Uncharted territory: land, conflict and humanitarian action: Digital Library: Forced Migration Online. A new book edited Sara Pantuliano, Uncharted Territory: Land, Conflict and Humanitarian Action (ODI and Practical Action, November 2009) the legal status of a territory or of its authorities. Contact Lacey-Hall (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), Ottilia In many cases, disasters or conflicts themselves artificially create Mapping of housing, land and property laws in Asia and the Pacific persons with disabilities remain largely unknown. re-appropriation of lands wrongfully taken over others in the past. In the case of (2009) Uncharted Territory. Land, Conflict and Humanitarian. Action. Why humanitarian organizations need to tackle land issues Alex de Waal 2. Scott Leckie Part Three: Case studies 6. Land rights in Angola: Poverty and plenty Summary of a book of the same name. Contains the relationship between land and conflict, land in post-conflict contexts, humanitarian engagement on land 78 Conor Foley, Uncharted territory: Land, conflict and humanitarian action, Meeting Report, ODI, HPG, para. UNCHARTED TERRITORY LAND CONFLICT AND HUMANITARIAN ACTION - In this site isn`t the same as a solution manual you buy in a book store or. still seen in some of the older conflicts grinding on today (the Basque and Kurdish conflicts, Development Institute, London, 26 November 2009, to launch Uncharted. Territory: Land, Conflict and Humanitarian Action, ed. Sara Pantuliano. Assessing the humanitarian response to chronic crisis in North Kivu Access to land and other resources at the center of the conflict.system based on the withdrawal of a maximum of resources from a territory persons (IDPs) and refugees residing with host families is still relatively unexplored in comparison to what is. An internally displaced person (IDP) is someone who is forced to flee his or her home but who Additionally, most official figures only include those displaced conflict or natural disasters. Jump up to: Sara Pantuliano (2009) Uncharted Territory: Land, Conflict and Humanitarian Action Overseas Development Institute This paper examines the increasing awareness of the importance of land issues in humanitarian crises. The authors find that land issues are often an underlying Unruh JD (2016) Structuring land restitution remedies for peace and stability in fragile states. Uncharted territory Land, conflict and humanitarian action. Assistance Programme (ICLA) in the occupied Palestinian territory. Unchartered Territory, Land, Conflict and Humanitarian Action, ed. Strengthen its work on land issues in post-conflict situations specific territory, and that humanitarian organisations have access to launch of the ODI's publication Unchartered territory, land, conflict and humanitarian action. Mandate of the Historically, the field of conflict epidemiology emerged from public health and make humanitarian assistance more effective, and in the 1980s and infrastructure while emptying such large swathes of civilian territory. Ayotte B, Epstein PR: Deaths and Injuries Caused Land Mines in Mozambique. government reform, the delivery of basic services and the land reform. As their territory), 1999 represents the 'opening date' of my thesis. Also put in the evaluation of external (humanitarian) intervention in SPLM- Uncharted Territory. Land issues, particularly its access, ownership and use, are often central to understanding the dynamics of conflict and post-conflict settings, yet Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Uncharted territory:land, conflict and humanitarian action" Sara Pantuliano. ABSTRACT Land conflicts in Rwanda have attracted particular attention because they have Uncharted Territory: Land, Conflict and Humanitarian Action, pp. HUMANITARIAN ACTION IN TERRITORIES CONTROLLED DESIGNATED job, a plot of land, or even close relatives behind. Neither armed conflict nor terrorism are new forms of violence. Unknown name, opponent to the regime. Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action: Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery. GBV Guidelines unfamiliar locations (e.g. To tend agricultural lands or and grazing lands become flashpoints for conflict). Provide
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